Canadian Process Serving offers document and courthouse services to lawyers, law firms, companies, and private individuals in both Canada and the U.S. Please find all relevant information below. If you have a question that has not been answered below, give us a call at 1-800-465-7378 and we’d be happy to assist you.
If you are a Canadian lawyer / law firm requiring document service, you may mail or courier your documents directly to the office that is closest to where you require service. (If you’re not sure which office is closest, please use our powerful Postal Code search feature.) You may also fax certain types of documents (ie Statement of Claim) to 1-866-837-0331. Our reliable team of process servers will take care of the service for you, and provide you with an Affidavit of Service or Attempted Service. Our head office will provide you with a detailed invoice soon afterward.
If your documents must be served within 24 hours, please call our head office first at 1-800-465-7378, or 905-529-2770. Our servers can be very busy, especially in the cities, and we will need to confirm first that they are available at such a short notice. Most times they will be able to accommodate you, but please call to check before sending your documents.
Our process servers can also attend local courthouses on your behalf and do issuings, filings, and litigation searches. Just send your paperwork to the applicable office along with a company cheque to cover any issuing / filing fees.
A copy of our current service price list can be obtained by emailing us at or calling 1-800-465-7378.
PLEASE NOTE: The above policies and procedures apply to Canadian Process Serving’s corporate offices ONLY. Throughout this website we have provided the names and phone numbers of other process serving companies when we do not have a corporate office within reasonable driving distance of where your documents must be served. Please contact them directly for information about their prices and document delivery policies.
Private Companies and Individuals in Canada:
If you are a private company / corporation or private individual (in other words, not a lawyer or law firm), Canadian Process Serving Inc requires a $300 retainer to be paid up front via certified cheque, money order, or credit card. (We regret that we do not accept personal cheques). We deduct the fees for your service from this retainer and refund you the balance if one remains after service. If paying by credit card, please call 1-800-465-7378 during our regular office hours (Monday to Friday, 9-5 EST) and have your credit card number ready. We will debit your card for the required amount and provide you with an authorization number that must be mentioned in your letter of instruction to the process server- for example ‘Retainer paid by Visa, authorization no. XXXXX’.
*Click for Checklist Form – Fill out and include with documents for service*
Once payment is made, please feel free to send your documents, accompanied by a cover letter, to the appropriate office. Although we are happy to assist you with serving them, we regret that we cannot provide assistance or advice in filling out legal forms. In your letter accompanying your documents, please include the following information:
-Your name, address, and telephone number
-Name of the person(s) to be served, and their address(es). This piece of information is mandatory- we cannot do a service without an address.
-The best time of day to serve this person, if possible
-The maximum number of times you would like the server to attempt service before calling you for further instructions.
-A list of the documents you are serving on them (ie. Plaintiff’s Claim, Statement of Claim, etc). This information is required for the affidavit.
-A photograph of the person being served, if possible. If not, a general description is helpful.
Once service is completed or ended at your request, you will receive an Affidavit of Service or Attempted Service directly from the server. All charges for the service will be deducted from your retainer, and any money not used will be refunded to you via cheque. This cheque will accompany an itemized statement of charges issued by our head office, which you should receive soon after your Affidavit arrives.
A copy of our current service price list can be obtained by emailing us at or calling 1-800-465-7378.
PLEASE NOTE: The above policies and procedures apply to Canadian Process Serving’s corporate offices ONLY. Throughout this website we have provided the names and phone numbers of other process serving companies when we do not have a corporate office within reasonable driving distance of where your documents must be served. Please contact them directly for information about their prices and document delivery policies.
If you are a U.S. lawyer / law firm requiring document service, you may mail or courier your documents directly to the office that is closest to where you require service. (If you’re not sure which office is closest, please use our powerful Postal Code search feature.) You may also fax certain types of documents (ie Statement of Claim) to 1-866-837-0331. Our reliable team of process servers will take care of the service for you, and provide you with an Affidavit of Service or Attempted Service. Our head office will provide you with a detailed invoice soon afterward.
If your documents must be served within 24 hours, please call our head office first at 1-800-465-7378, or 905-529-2770. Our servers can be very busy, especially in the cities, and we will need to confirm first that they are available at such a short notice. Most times they will be able to accommodate you, but please call to check before sending your documents.
Our process servers can also attend local courthouses on your behalf and do issuings, filings, and litigation searches. Just send your paperwork to the applicable office along with a company cheque to cover any issuing / filing fees.
A copy of our current service price list can be obtained by emailing us at or calling 1-800-465-7378.
PLEASE NOTE: The above policies and procedures apply to Canadian Process Serving’s corporate offices ONLY. Throughout this website we have provided the names and phone numbers of other process serving companies when we do not have a corporate office within reasonable driving distance of where your documents must be served. Please contact them directly for information about their prices and document delivery policies.
Companies and Private Individuals in the United States:
Canadian Process Serving Inc has years of experience serving documents for US clients in Canada. American companies and private individuals are required to pay a retainer via certified cheque, money order, or credit card. (We regret that we do not accept personal cheques). If paying via credit card, please call 1-800-465-7378 during our regular office hours (Monday to Friday, 9-5 EST) and have your credit card number ready. We will debit your card for the required amount and provide you with an authorization number that must be mentioned in your letter of instruction to the process server- for example ‘Retainer paid by Visa, authorization no. XXXXX’.
Once payment is made, please feel free to send your documents, accompanied by a cover letter, to the appropriate office. We strongly recommend that you also include a blank affidavit of service, as wording and informational requirements in affidavits can vary from one jurisdiction to another. The server will take care of filling it out, having it notarized, and returning it to you.
Private individuals are encouraged to provide the following information in their cover letter to the server:
-Your name, address, and telephone number
-Name of the person(s) to be served, and their address(es). This piece of information is mandatory- we cannot do a service without an address.
-The best time of day to serve this person, if possible
-The maximum number of times you would like the server to attempt service before calling you for further instructions.
-A list of the documents you are serving on them (ie. Plaintiff’s Claim, Statement of Claim, etc). This information is required for the affidavit.
-A photograph of the person being served, if possible. If not, a general description is helpful.
Once service is completed or ended at your request, you will receive an Affidavit of Service or Attempted Service directly from the server. All charges for the service will be deducted from your retainer, and any money not used will be refunded to you via cheque in US Funds. This cheque will accompany an itemized statement of charges issued by our head office, which you should receive soon after your Affidavit arrives.
A copy of our current service price list can be obtained by emailing us at or calling 1-800-465-7378. All advertised prices are in Canadian dollars.
PLEASE NOTE: The above policies and procedures apply to Canadian Process Serving’s corporate offices ONLY. Throughout this website we have provided the names and phone numbers of other process serving companies when we do not have a corporate office within reasonable driving distance of where your documents must be served. Please contact them directly for information about their prices and document delivery policies.